University of Queensland
QIMR Berghofer

Professor Gabrielle Belz

Professor Gabrielle Belz

Chair of Immunology, The University of Queensland Frazer Institute
NHMRC Investigator and Group Leader, The University of Queensland Frazer Institute
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Professor Belz originally trained in veterinary medicine and surgery and received her PhD in understanding the organisation of lymphatics and lymphoid tissues at The University of Queensland. After a short stint in Canada to work on B cells, she moved to St Jude Children’s Research Hospital to work with Peter Doherty supported by an NHMRC CJ Martin Fellowship. Here she established a number of systems that now allow tracking of virus-specific T cells and established the paradigm changing notion that CD4 T cell help was required for generating antiviral responses.

She returned to The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research and uncovered the identity of the key dendritic cells necessary for initiating antiviral infections. Subsequently she was awarded the Burnet Prize and NHMRC Elizabeth Blackburn Fellowship. Her research contributions have been recognized by a number of awards including a Wellcome Trust Overseas Fellowship, HHMI international fellowship, ARC Future fellowship, NHMRC Investigator grant, Doctor of Veterinary Science and the Gottschalk Medal (Australian Academy of Science).

Her laboratory focuses on deciphering the key cellular and transcriptional signals of protective immunity particularly by T cells and in understanding how innate immune cells develop and make novel contributions to mucosal immune defence.


Professor Gabrielle Belz
Phone: +61 7 3443 8026

Professor Rajiv Khanna
Phone: +61 7 3362 0385

